Preparation – the key to selling your home.

It’s Spring time in Wisconsin!  The crocuses have come and gone, Brewers Opening Day is less than a week away, the daffodils are up and the Junco’s have left for cooler weather.  Real Estate “FOR SALE” signs are popping up like the dandelions that are sure to follow.

Get your ducks in a row before signing on the dotted line.  What do I mean by that?

  1.  Prepare your home for the market and the microscope that buyers will be placing it under.   Pre-Sale home inspections have become increasingly popular over the past few years in response to these economic times.   Better to know up front what a buyer will be asking for than after negotiations have begun.  Make repairs as necessary in order to allow for a smooth transaction.
  2. Eliminate all clutter!  Empty out all closets.  Start packing.  Use a corner of the basement to organize the things you can pack up now, before showings begin.  Make certain to NOT pile boxes around the foundation walls.  Buyers want to see what the walls look like.  I don’t have an issue with putting boxes in the middle of the basement – you have to put them somewhere!
  3. Touch up all woodwork!  Nothing says “I don’t take care of my home” more than chipped woodwork.  Little things add up and mean a lot.  Those things translate to dollars off the purchase price.
  4. Clean, Clean, CLEAN your house.  Hire a professional service if necessary. No one wants to buy a dirty home!
  5. Organize your kitchen cabinets and pantry.  Even if you normally don’t live this way, a buyer won’t know that.  When Buyers see an organized home they feel comfortable that the house itself has been maintained during the seller’s ownership.
  6. It is no secret that bathrooms and kitchens sell homes.  Eliminate all appliances from the kitchen counter tops for all showings.  Put everything in a large laundry basket and store in the garage until the showing is over.  Re-caulk your bathtub and shower if the caulk has seen better days.
  7. Consider hiring a professional stager!  They make a world of difference!! 
  8. Start your Spring clean-up outside too!  Make your home welcoming from the street.  Plant a few pansies in pots to make a positive first impression.

It is never too early to make a good impression on your buyer.  It starts from the moment they drive up to the house.  Do things that your competition isn’t doing.  Tip the scales in your favor.  It’s easier than you may think!!

Good luck!  And remember, feel free to email me with questions.  I am happy to help!

Fran Maglio Wallace

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